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Differences Between Crack and Cocaine & Myths

You’ll learn how they’re not just similar names – they’re different paths. So, let’s begin our exploration and discover what sets crack and cocaine apart. When cocaine is snorted, it takes longer for the effects to kick in (about five minutes), but the high lasts...

Do Some Drinks Cause Dehydration?

Blocking this antidiuretic hormone causes fluids to pass directly through the kidneys to our bladder, which is why we have to pee way more while drinking alcohol. This effect is why alcohol is often thought of as a diuretic. Alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and...

10 Inspirational Stories of Addiction Recovery WholeYum

Sharing these insights can be invaluable education for others. Maria’s turning point came when she was arrested for possession and faced with the prospect of losing custody of her young daughter. She entered a long-term https://ecosoberhouse.com/ residential treatment...